Shashwat Mohapatra
A Young Traveller and Storyteller
“A Journey Of A Thousand Miles Begins With A Single Step” – Lao Tzu
A Boy with a camera, a backpack and a thousand dreams in his eyes.
I am Shashwat Mohapatra, a 19-year-old Indian who watches the world through his camera. Be it wildlife, travel or people, the world has many untold stories which I am to explore and talk about. I have been travelling since the age of 13 through various cities, jungles, mountains, seas meeting new people and indulging in new experiences.
It all started at a very young age when I used to love visiting zoos to watch animals. As I grew up, it broke my heart to see animals in captive; that’s when the obsession of travelling to see these animals in the wild caught me. My love for travel and wildlife developed immensely. In 2010, getting my first canon point and shoot camera at the age of 10, I started chasing stories. Everything for me has a story in it which is untold. Since then, being in nature and watching wildlife was peace for me. Writing about a young traveler’s journey with his camera and narrating thousands of stories is what my life is all about.
Having now more than 10 years of experience in wildlife, photography and filming, I am sharing all I have learnt and experienced through this journey. From winning awards, spending days and nights in the wild for that perfect photograph, travelling solo at a young age and experiencing what life is all about with many more adventures to come!